Reopening Guidelines
As of March 12th, 2022 the state mask mandate has been removed and Spokane County is recorded as a Low Transmission county for COVID-19, and state guidance has been updated to reflect this. The policies below were most recently updated March 14th, 2022.
Masks are optional in the Talbott Event Center for all persons, regardless of vaccination status. There are only two exceptions:
SEVERE COVID SYMPTOMS: Masks are recommended for 10 days after the onset of severe or unique COVID symptoms (such as a new loss of taste or smell), if the person with symptoms either tests positive for COVID-19 or does not get tested (even if symptoms improve before 10 days).
CLOSE CONTACT WITH COVID-19: Masks are recommended for 10 days after a person has had close contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19, if the person who tested positive was not fully vaccinated. Close contact is defined as 15 minutes or more of unmasked person-to-person interaction while within 6 feet of each other. Fully vaccinated is defined as six weeks after the second shot of a two-dose vaccine, or six weeks after a single dose vaccine.
Masks will be available at the main entrances of the Talbott Event Center for those that desire them.
Other Restrictions:
There are no additional restrictions on room capacity, physical distancing, or catering other than those described in the Facility Use Agreement to comply with fire code and other standard health and safety regulations. No additional sign in sheets, health attestations, or paperwork are required.
Coffee service will be provided as standard for meetings that take place before 1:00pm and are estimated to have at least 5 in attendance, and can be provided to small events or afternoon events when requested.